Tainteds Wrath
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Good quests for a ranger/gmauler!

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Good quests for a ranger/gmauler! Empty Good quests for a ranger/gmauler!

Post  Tr0jan War Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:53 pm

Ok guys, I was bored early in the morning so I decided to post this. Saying what quests to do what and what their rewards are. Enjoy!

Animal Magnetism - Ava's Accumulator - Range + Def bonus

Death Plateau - 3000 attack experience and the ability to wear climbing boots - Strength Bonus

Desert Treasure - Ancient Magic and 20000 Magic Experience

Dwarf Cannon - the ability to buy a Cannon + 450 Craft experience - does constant 20-30s and trains range without giving healthpoint experience

Mountain Duaghter - a kickass Bear hat - I'm not sure the bonus's of the bear hat, but it looks cool

Gertrude's Cat - a kickass cat + stew - feed it a certain rat and it'll turn into a Hell Cat + Cooking Experience

Horror from the Deep - 4,600 Strength/Range/Magic (only choose of one of the experience rewards) experience and a Book Spine - the Book Spine can be made into a God Book

Troll Stronghold - Two Lamps that give 10000 experience to any skill of choice thats level Thirty or higher - access to trollheim and to troll stronghold

Waterfall Quest - 13750 Attack experience + 13750 Strength Experience

Tree Gnome Village - 11000 Attack Experience

Swept Away - 10 times you'r skill level (thats 10 times the level, not experience) Experience in what ever skill you want - Atleast that's what my friend says silent

Shout out to Black Venge for helping me find the information! If its wrong then you'll wake up dead! affraid

Thanks for reading!
This guide was made for the intentions of Granite Maul/Rangers!
If you'r strength pure I suggest Monkey Madness and Lost city to you!
Happy Gaming! lol!

Edit - Black Venge gave me the idea to post what gear we are going for, and the max hits from that gear/stats:

We are planning on being 50 attack 50 magic 60 strength 60 range and around low 60s to mid 60s healthpoints. Our gear is gonna be - Bear hat (quest reward), Monk robe, Red d'hide legs, Ring of Recoil, Amulet of Glory, Combat braclets, Granite Maulet, Magic bow, Rune arrows, Ava's Accumulator, and Flippers (Slayer reward).

With these stats and that gear our range normal hit with pot and pray would be 15, and our melee normal hit with pot and pray would be 25.

Thanks for reading! lol!
Tr0jan War
Tr0jan War

Posts : 9
Join date : 2009-04-15
Age : 29
Location : Bull Head, Arizona


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